Agu Na Ebere Hygiene and Care Package Project
LLEM International is excited to announce the Agu Na Ebere Hygiene and Care Package project serving 6,000 residents of Agu Na Ebere, Nigeria.
Now it’s time for us to ramp up to phase two of the project: raising money for personal hygiene kits for community residents. Improving community hygiene is a big part of this project. Remember, our plan for revitalizing the Agu Na Ebere community has two parts:
1. First we wanted to drill a well in the middle of the community to provide a clean water source. WE REACHED THIS GOAL! Here is a photo of the construction of the new well. Another update on this project will be coming. Your generosity is amazing!
2. Now it’s time to distribute care packages to community residents. These packages will contain hand sanitizer, soap, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, tissues, and washcloths. We will also provide women and girls access to proper sanitary items.
Will you once again help to provide access to these everyday things we take for granted? Thank you for your generous support to make this a possibility.
I believe that we can do this. We have done it before, and we can do it again. With God all things are possible. I trust that you will use this great opportunity to make a lasting difference in the life of someone else. Imagine what it will mean for that young teenage girl who has never used a proper sanitary item for her menstrual period. Obviously, our hygiene and care package will bring a whole new perspective to life for so many people who life in Agu Na Ebere.
The Situation
In Agu Na Ebere, the biggest killers of young children are respiratory infections and diarrheal disease. Both of these types of illnesses are highly preventable but require enhanced hygiene practices.
By providing hygiene packages that promote better hand-washing practices and tooth brushing, residents can control many preventable illnesses and lead healthier lives.
Several different types of packages will be distributed, including one for children and another for females, which will contain feminine hygiene projects.
You can change the life of someone less fortunate by providing one of these special care packages.
Contents-basic kit for adults
Hand sanitizer
Contents-Enhanced kit for girls and women
Hand Sanitizer
Feminine hygiene products
Contents-Children’s kit
Baby shampoo
Child-Sized toothbrush
Hand Sanitizer
- A monthly donation of $5.00 provides a hygiene and care package for one person.
- A monthly donation of $20.00 provides hygiene and care packages for a family of four.
- A monthly donation of $60.00 provides hygiene and care packages for three families.
- A monthly donation of $100.00 provides hygiene and care packages for five families.
- A monthly donation of $200.00 provides hygiene and care packages for ten families.
Build community self-esteem! Click Here to Change a Life Now!
For more information, call 888-LLEM-INT (553-6468), or visit
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