In this post, I want to give you some insight into what it means to live in Nigeria.

Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups. The people of Nigeria speak over 500 languages and practice a wide variety of customs and traditions. These varying customs give the country great cultural diversity, diversity not found in many other locations. Although the country is blessed with many natural resources, it is considered a developing country. There’s a lot of wealth that has been discovered in Nigeria, some due to its vast oil production, but like many other countries, there are the “haves and have nots.” Many in Nigeria take advantage of its natural resources, but do not give back.
I’m able to now see Nigeria from a unique and vastly different perspective, since I haven’t lived here in over a decade. I now understand why so many Nigerians live in grinding poverty, and why so few Nigerians see so little hope in their futures. For many, God is the one stable thing they have in their lives that provides hope.
Additionally, I’m finding it very, very expensive to live in Nigeria — much more expensive than one would believe. I’ve lived in both the United States and in Europe, and Nigeria is far more costly. Let me share two examples that seem outrageously expensive. For example, irrespective of the fact that Nigeria is blessed with lots of natural resources, Nigerians still don’t have access to a steady source of electrical power. As such, Nigerians suffer the problem of inadequate power supplies throughout their daily lives. More precisely, you don’t have access to lights and internet 24/7 unless you pay for these services. It’s very different from the U.S. or Europe. In the part of Nigeria where I have been staying for the past few weeks, I have observed that my power usage only totaled 3 days out of a two week period. For me to have a steady power supply (which is needed to run and operate LLEM and communicate with my family in the United States), I have to use a generator and buy the gas to run it. These costs total approximately $400 in one month, just to run a generator! I don’t pay $400 a month for my electric supply in the United States. This is a very unreasonable expense.
In Nigeria, many people make only $120 a month. How can an average family afford such exorbitant rates for electricity and power? How can they afford this?

Take a minute to think about this: what if you had to ration your daily use of electricity because you couldn’t afford to keep the lights on 24/7? What if you only had access to electricity for one or two hours each day? Wouldn’t your standard of living be greatly compromised? I bet you can’t even consider such a thing!
And even more expenses!
I have also observed that the cost of having internet access is out of reach. Due to very high tariffs imposed by the Nigerian government on the telecommunications industry, it is too expensive for ordinary people to have internet access. Many Nigerians don’t fully understand what’s happening in other parts of the world because they can’t get online to check regular news sources.
I can go on and on, but my main point is this: these high expenses lead to great economic hardships for people who do not have the ability to make enough money to support themselves or their families. That’s why LLEM is so needed in Nigeria. We’re hand helpers, and we are making a huge impact.
LLEM lends a helping hand
Through LLEM programs, many Nigerians have been helped. Because of the great need that is prevalent in this part of the world, there is a great need for LLEM International and the services we provide to children and families who do not have the means to help themselves.
Meet Chibuzo!

Let me introduce you to Chibuzo.
Chibuzo Emaonye is a young teen who has been personally impacted through the LLEM Child Sponsorship program, which began in 2017. Without the Child Sponsorship program, many children such as Chibuzo would not have had the opportunity to go to school. Recently, I visited his family and interacted with Chibuzo’s mother. She expressed such heartfelt gratitude to LLEM and was thankful that LLEM was helping pay for Chibuzo’s school fees. Like most parents, she has a lot of hope in her son. She hopes that when Chibuzo grows up, he will become an engineer. Becoming an engineer will enable Chibuzo to help his country and his family.

Chibuzo’s mom is a widow. Chibuzo, his mom, and the other 4 siblings live in a single room with no toilet or bath facilities. His mom expressed to me how difficult life has been for them, especially since she lost her husband. There are many people like Chibuzo’s mom. These are the types of individuals LLEM should be helping. LLEM International is calling on YOU (yes, YOU!) to join in our efforts to end human suffering through our Child Sponsorship program. There are many more kids like Chibuzo who need help. By sponsoring a child with a monthly donation, you will:
- Help pay school fees so children get the education they deserve
- Pay for food & water expenses so children have access to nutritional food and clean drinking water
- Improve access to medical care
- Provide leadership and discipleship
When you sponsor a child, you will impact the lives of children like Chibuzo. Thank you for considering changing a child’s life today!
You can learn more about our child sponsorship program at
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