God and A Goat - LLEM International | Impacting Lives...

God and A Goat– For only $75.00 you will provide a family with a goat.

This initiative purchases Nigerian Pygmy goats for families. Goats provide food sustenance to impoverished Nigerians of any family size.

Fast Facts about Nigerian Pygmy Goats.

  1. They are gregarious, friendly, and hardy.
  2.  They can thrive in almost any climate.
  3. Their gentle, calm, and playful nature makes them good companion pets for children, the disabled, and elderly people.
  4. Their small size means they do not require as much space or feed as larger dairy goat breeds.

From birth to death

  • Breed: year round
  • Gestation: 145 to 153 days
  • Kids: 3 to 4, each 2 pounds at birth
  • Sexual maturity: 3 months for males; 7 to 8 months for females
  • Lifespan: 15 years

Female goats provide milk and cheese to help nourish growing bodies. For a donation of just $75 you can bring food to these hungry households. You’ll also get the privilege of naming the goat, and you’ll receive a certificate bearing your goat’s name.