School means so much to me now!
“Hi, I’m Chibuzo, a student studying to become an engineer. Here’s my story…
After my father died recently, I didn’t think I would be able to attend school any longer. I really liked school, but money was tight; I didn’t know how my school fees would be paid and I didn’t see any way forward.
Eventually, I lost all hope when people started telling me it wasn’t my destiny to obtain an education simply because I couldn’t afford to pay the required fees.
It’s heartbreaking when you want to learn and excel because you see the value of staying in school. But when others tell you it’s not possible, it can crush your spirit.
Brother LoveGod, the Executive Director of LLEM International heard my story and wanted to help me achieve my educational dreams. His support, and LLEM’s support, have been instrumental in helping me in my time of need. Because of them, I’m able to attend my school. LLEM even helped me get enrolled and paid for my West Africa Junior Certificate Examination. I was so happy to be able to continue my education and I have promised LoveGod that I will pass my exams with flying colors! I will make my supporters proud because they made me proud by investing in my future. They care for me and demonstrate it with their financial support. Now I know that my future will be bright because I have people who love me, and I don’t even know them personally.
Thank you for bestowing so many blessings on me!
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