Measuring Our Impacts
Every reputable non-profit has established protocols for communicating its impacts to its stakeholders. LLEM has several methodologies for evaluating the success of its programs.

After each program launch, LLEM International conducts a thorough evaluation to measure its impacts.
We begin each program evaluation by carefully tracking the following:
- Number of items (tangible goods) distributed in the communities LLEM serves. This includes items like food, clothing, medical supplies, and hygiene kits. LLEM distributes large numbers of consumer goods throughout each program year.
- Number of children sponsored in our “Sponsor A Child” program. Currently we have 85 children sponsored. Our goal is to have 200 children sponsored by the end of 2021.
Because LLEM International is also a Christian missionary organization, we also measure our impacts by focusing on the evangelical aspect of our work. Evaluation data include:
- The number of Bibles distributed in Asa and in the surrounding communities.
- The number of community members attending the LLEM International community church.
Here’s a quick glance at some of our high-level 2020 impacts:
- We empowered children by fixing the roof of the LLEM Basic School in Asa, Nigeria. We also expanded the school building to create more space for the children. While putting on a new roof was the biggest fundraising goal of the Raise the Roof campaign, we also purchased new school supplies that included books and chalkboards and reconfigured the existing classrooms. Also, we built a completely new structure within the school premises comprising staff office space, a brand-new school library, and a first aid room for sick children. We didn’t just “Raise the Roof”—we raised spirits!
- During the first wave of COVID-19 in Nigeria, we provided food and monetary assistance to 315 families in Asa and Agu Na Ebere. All were in desperate need of our assistance.
- In 2020 the well LLEM built served 14,902 people in Agu Na Ebere and the surrounding communities.
- Teachers at the LLEM Basic School organized several small learning groups for children during the extensive Nigerian lockdown caused by COVID-19, which was difficult due to the threats COVID posed in the area. These small learning groups were essential because, unlike in the United States and in other more developed countries, children from this community do not have Internet access and cannot participate in virtual learning opportunities. These face-to-face small learning opportunities helped many, many students.
- Our Bible correspondence course in Nigeria educated the masses with the Word of God. We printed and distributed 66,000 booklets and graduated 2,098 students, leading many to Christ.
- LLEM purchased a new landed property for our proposed mission house.
To review more of our impacts in 2020, please check out the 2020 LLEM Yearbook/Annual report here.
Meeting the Needs of LLEM Community Members
In addition to the hard data provided above, LLEM also evaluates its impacts by getting feedback from residents who reside in Aga Na Ebere and the surrounding communities. In 2020 community residents shared their feedback about our impacts with our leadership.
Here are just a few things they told us about our impact during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“LLEM International has always demonstrated love in a very profound way, especially during this season of the coronavirus. Through the effort of this great organization, our villagers have been helped. Our old mothers did not die of starvation during this time when everybody was asked to remain at home and die.”
“The government asked us to stay home but did not care to know what that meant for us. They did not care to provide any form of help to the old or young nursing mothers. During the lockdown, everything became so expensive because people were not willing to sell. They were also asked not to sell anything. How did they want us to survive? I cannot remember a single thing that the government has done for us in this community. They did not give us good roads, electricity, clean water—anything. I ask myself: What kind of country is this? But I thank God for LLEM.”
“The well they built here in our community has been a lifesaver. Without it, what would we do? Who do we run to for help?
“Many people have visited us and promised many things but never came back. They come here to take a lot of pictures, but we do not see them again. That was why when LLEM people came and said they would put in a well, we did not believe them; not even His Royal Highness, our King, believed them. But they have demonstrated that they are people to be trusted. They did not have to help us or do anything for us because they do not live here, but they showed us love all the way from America. Tell me, why shouldn’t we believe them?”
This is Nigeria and why Nigeria?

Africa’s most populous country –
- The current population of Nigeriais 208,930,589 as of Wednesday, January 20, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
- Nigeria 2020 population is estimated at 206,139,589 people at midyear according to UN data.
- Nigeria population is equivalent to 64%of the total world population.
- Nigeria ranks number 7in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
- The population density in Nigeria is 226 per Km2(586 people per mi2).
- The total landarea is 910,770 Km2 (351,650 sq. miles)
- 0 %of the population is urban (107,112,526 people in 2020)
- The median agein Nigeria is 1 years.
Why Nigeria?
Nigeria’s population who lives in poverty
- 1996: 67.1 million
- 2004: 68.7 million
- 2010: 112.47 million
- 2019 86.9 million
- 2020: 112.0 million
According to recent BBC statistics, the number of Nigerians living in poverty exceeds 61 %.
An individual is considered poor in Nigeria when has an availability of less than 137.4 thousand Nigerian Naira (roughly 361 U.S. dollars) per year.
Source: Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics and the BBC.