Raise the Roof - LLEM International | Impacting Lives...

LLEM International Presents


A grassroots fall harvest fundraising campaign to improve the LLEM Basic School in Asa, Nigeria

God wants us to “Raise the Roof” to improve lives. Please join our worldwide effort by participating in two dynamic fundraising events to help us raise $10,000 for the LLEM Basic School. We’re getting ready to make some major changes, but we need your help.  

The LLEM International “Raise the Roof” campaign has been implemented to raise awareness about the condition of the LLEM Basic School in Asa, Nigeria. From the photos below, you can see that the LLEM Basic School is in deplorable condition and is in urgent need of repair.

The Current Situation Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, kids in this poverty-stricken community have been out of school since March. These children cannot be denied their educations. They deserve better.  A good education is the best way for them to improve their lives and the lives of their families and to break the cycle of grinding poverty facing them. If school isn’t in session, kids become vulnerable to participating in less than ideal activities, including spending time on the streets selling trinkets to support their families or being forced to be a part of a child labor scheme. Furthermore, young girls and boys face the risk of being sex trafficked. School is the best place for these highly vulnerable kids. The school needs to open as soon as possible. It’s imperative that the LLEM school reopen (safely) with proper sanitation procedures being implemented and with improvements to the school roof being made.

This fall harvest campaign will:

1 Provide general roof repairs: The existing roof must be immediately repaired to keep the rain off the students. With the rainy season approaching, this is a dire need.

2 Provide shade: With so many holes in the existing roof, the children are not well protected from the hot African sun. Even with the upcoming anticipated change of season, proper sun protection has to be a part of the regular school day.

3 Provide COVID-19 sanitation: Full COVID sanitation measures MUST be put in place to ensure proper school hygiene This means purchasing hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and facemasks for students and teachers. The current meager school budget won’t cover these things.

4 Fund new school supplies:  This includes desks, pencils, writing tablets, and books. Kids need access to top-notch educational materials. The second part of the “Raise the Roof” campaign will provide them.

How You Can Be a “Raise the Roofer”

1 Put October 11 at 5 p.m. in your calendar. On October 11, the executive director of LLEM International will host a community-wide Zoom call so people can learn more about the current conditions facing the school. You’ll also get to meet a few of the school’s students. The evening will end with an opportunity to win some cool door prizes.

2 Join a second call: Approximately a month after the first call, a second Zoom call will commence. You’ll get a chance to see some of the repairs LLEM has been able to make and hear about further plans to enhance the building’s physical structure.

LLEM wants more for these special children who have nothing. God wants more for these special children. Letting the school fail and letting these children down isn’t an option. We hope to see you on October 11. You can register here to be a part of the Zoom call. Once we get your registration, we’ll provide you with the link to call in.

If you have questions about the LLEM Basic School of the “Raise the Roof” campaign, please email [email protected].

Not able to join our call on October 11?  Make a donation to the “Raise the Roof” Campaign NOW.  CLICK HERE

Updates from Raise the Roof