March 2020 - LLEM International | Impacting Lives...

Hope is on the Horizon

Dear Partner in Christ, I’m writing to you today with an urgent message. I’m sure in the past several weeks you’ve been inundated with urgent messages, most of them related to the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. This message isn’t so much about what LLEM International is doing to keep our staff and community healthy and…


Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus

As we are carefully continuing to monitor the developments regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), we are writing to share the actions that LLEM International is taking to protect our community and staff. The number one priority of the organization in keeping everyone safe, is to maintain social distancing. At LLEM International, we are agreeing to commit to…


3 Years Of Changing Lives!

Thank you, Anthony Browning and House Finder Realty, for being a change agent. You are making a tremendous impact. House Finder Realty is your one-stop shop for Myrtle Beach Real Estate!   House Finder Realty believes that excellent service and a reputation for honesty, integrity, and reliability are just as important as helping you find…